Heyyyy uhhh maaaan! It's been a minute since I actually logged into NG and read my messages ,':I
Sorry to all those people that messaged me, I was busy having a job and then quitting that job then getting a new job, and moving my sweet buttcheeks to Philly. In between all that I kinda stopped working on a lot of art, voicing stuff, and writing, but I've been getting back into it! Lately, I've been hanging with a buncha graffiti artists in Trenton (drinking beer) and have been focused a lot on that stuff (drinking beer) and playing guitar with crusty homies (drinking beer). Pretty cool heads man!
Anyways, I don't have Hazbin updates, that really ain't me anymore.
Much love to everyone and MAYBE!?! I'LL POST SOMETHING?!?! AT SOME POOIIIINT?!??!
Iunno whatever Love ya Be Good <3
Cool ( ╹▽╹ )